On A Dime

As I get older it's becoming obvious that it isn't that I've become better at the art of adaptation from so much travel, but that the amount and severity of consistent scenery change has forced me to trade hustle weight in favor of a more equitable distribution of courtesy.  While I can't say that things are either easier or harder since I've been stung by the humility current -- it's somehow landing me right where I need to be to receive love I didn't think noticed me.. and all that sparkly, huggable opportunity by proxy.  I try to make being decent without allowance a priority and sometimes run myself ragged in a cycle of low self-worth and guilt.. but this one day an icicle fell on my head.. and I guess that's the point.

Do good and forget about the payback.  Your piggy bank'll be fine.


  1. "Do good and forget about the payback. Your piggy bank'll be fine."
    That should be on a t-shirt, my dear! I love this!
    It is exactly what I've been working/doing the last three years. Thank you. Glad you're doing okay.

  2. An excellent observation. So often people get caught up in the "I'll be nice so long as there's something in it for me" mode and it really limits how much beauty you can see in the world and in other people. Despite not always being treated fairly or having the occasional person try to take advantage of my kindness, I think it's possible to be a good-hearted person who is kind as a rule and still be assertive so that I'm not manipulated. Plus, I think that looking for the good in people and situations makes the world a nicer place to live in every day. Keep up the great writing. I really enjoy reading your blog. And hey, have a great day. You deserve it! ^.^

  3. dont worry, things happen for a reason amor.

  4. Sarah, you should totally puffy paint it. That is something I could see you making into a mantra! Thanks for the email, sug.

    Daantaat, thank you for your comment. I agree with you that it is extremely, if not exclusively, limiting. I'm glad that you have found a medium that still allows you to let people into your life with caution that won't burn you forever. Thanks again <3 Your comment made my day.


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